NEVER host with 1planhost - they SUCK!

1planhost are the worst host in the world, their support is shit and they don't honor their refund promise. If you host with 1planhost you WILL be sorry. Thier uptime guarantee is a JOKE. Bunch of fucking clowns.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

latest 1planhost fuck ups

Having been bougt by 'WebScammers' Inc, is now in the final 'wind-down' stage. No longer even able to offer 'ordinary' html hosting let alone ASP hosting, 1planhost (scam) are pathologically unable to tell the truth and are pretending they have 'problems with their IP' whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. Instead, 1planhost LIE and have put a nice message up on their home page.

from the home page . ..

Due to a recent IP issue, we were forced to renumber 1planhost servers. We are currently running helm restore tool to finish renumbering the sites. The sites are coming up one by one. We are sorry for the inconvenience that it caused.
Thank you
1Planhost Customer Service

Anyone holding their breath for this? LOL - lying scammers! do not refund when you leave (which you will - you can't run a website on a 'host ' that falls over every 20 minutes (like 1planhost - useless bastards that they are).

At least I've stopped being spammed by 'Veronic 'anal is extra' Catano.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

1planhost SLATED by Certification for 1planhost REVOKED!!!

Surprise surprise., the web's premier (and definitive!) review site for hosting has had to 'revoke 1planhost's certification'.

Why? Because 1planhost are crap. Their sucky service makes it impossible to run a website using their underpowered and unreliable servers. And, 1planhost's PATHETIC so called 'support' would make a monkey blush. Their half trained lazy fuckwit employees couldn't provide you with support if their worthless 1planhost lives depended on it.

The 'large number of complaints' genteely quoted by is actually in the THOUSANDS (altough they only show a few on rotation). To show just how CRAP 1planhost are (and how SHIT 1planhost service is) I'll post a few of these independent reviews.

Oh. by the way, did I mention that 1planhost are LYING THIEVES?? Yes, that's right. The pretend to offer a 'no quibble money back guarantee'.

If you believe that bunch of 1planhost shite, you need your head examined. 1planhost do NOT refund under any circumstances despite their legal obligation

1planhost sucks

Administrator's Note: This certification has been revoked due to a very large number of complaints. Reports indicate a recent management change may be to blame for a decline in service level. We will keep this application online indefinitely as a public service. (Message Posted 5/20/06)

Update: Former owner Darrell Williams writes: "There were several issues with migration since April 15th but those have been resolved and the new company is doing much better now. Major moves of thousands of customer sites can of course lead to some unexpected site downtime which takes time to resolve." i.e. 1planhost are useless incompetent fuckwits. Sorry And PS - no, you can't have a refund from 1planhost now fuck off.

Williams says the new contact information is as follows:

Contact Phone 877-467-8758
Company Street Address
2115 Linwood Ave. 5th Floor
Fort Lee, NJ 07024 USA
(Message Posted 7/16/06)

Give this bunch of disgraceful lying bastards 1planhost a call. Go on. Its fun. Ask to speak to Veronica Catano, and see if 'anal really is extra'.

Monday, September 04, 2006

MORE fun and games as 1planhost attempt to steal the last of MY domains.

Having managed to extricate all but one of my domains from those 1planhost shysters, I waited impatiently for the last one to get near expiry date. I'd learned the hard way that not only do those liars 1planhost NOT refund when asked but they also have a policy of trying to steal your domain registrations. What do I mean by this? Simple. Register a domain via 1planhost (scumbags) and then try and transfer it. If those lying theives 1planhost will let you transfer YOUR domain to the registrar of YOUR choice, you must have something on them, becoaude 1planhost's usual trick is to try and keep you waiting by fobbing you off until the doamin expires, at which point THEY have it. And guess what?

1planhost as a bunch of scamming fuckers, will try and blackmail you to return your own domain

'Release fee' or 'surcharge' feature strongly in the dialogue of scammers such as 1planhost. Here's a nice little email from one of 1planhost's stooges, Veronica 'Anal is extra' Catano.

Subject: Fwd: Your Web Hosting Account (or web falling over account, more likely)
Date: 25 May 2006 15:58:37 GMT+02:00

From: x
Date: 25 May 2006 15:56:51 GMT+02:00
To: Veronica Catano
Subject: Re: Your Web Hosting Account


why don't you send an email to the registered owner of these domains (which is me,, also the paypal account your should have refunded to), and I'll reply to it. The domains that WE HAVE ALREADY CANCELLED using your online form (and had 2 replies from 1planhost staff confirming that refunds would be processed 'within a week' - copies available on request) are:-

We have already rehosted the domains elsewhere, as a simple check from your end will show.

Now here is a bunch of technical stuff you sent us when we were a customer - control panels etc.

// Original server for

If you choose to do so, also replace any Technical Contact information with ours which is:

WebWeavers 1PlanHost.Com
913 W. First North Street
Morristown, TN 37814
001 423-317-7403 (lying theives and blackmailers)